понедельник, 16 апреля 2018 г.

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tisha516 24yo Bronx, New York, United States
DaisyB1234 29yo Jacksonville, Florida, United States
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My name is Joe and it's time to adnit that I will never have anzvne or be thore for someone. Whnre do I stbrt well I'm dyikemic I think in exploded view when I picture thqqgs I'm 175cm tall I weigh 17qwgs ( freedom unit people will have to work it out I suck at math) I'm trying to get employed no one wants to hire me I'm a dam good I.T tech but that doesn't matter that I live eat and breathe pc's fixing them and building new todsznd ones and I game a lot between PC jozs. so it's like 00:33 here in new Zealand and I'll be luoky if I get 5 hours sljep and I'm sick of my mind and this fepupng of loneliness. I have never had a GF or any relationships with the opposite sex it's like I don't exist and so I'm now 30 years old and a vitkin if this is what it's gotng to be like for the rest of my life then then I don't want to be here any more. I know it's the wefxht that probably ketps peoplewomen away I'm really not that picky I like all women shlyt, tall, fat, skkxfy, hairy I just want some one of the opwizfte sex to talk to really. I live with my brother and mum they are good and aren't the problem the przdvem is me I cant complain I pay my way and we all have a grbat relationship. I seem to come ripht for a colgle of days and then bam the loneliness comes back and hits me some times I can shrug it off but otger days I cant it's even wojse when my siwmer brings her kids around and they want to play because it just reminds me that I wont ever have anything like that then I get angry at myself and thbmgs just go to shit. I have friends but I might see them twice a year and I only have five but my moneys tivht and I try to see them but it dozgv't usually work out. For the new year I was thinking of hikcng a prostitute and at least knfmiwng the virgin thkng off the list or just geancng a gfe exijydyqce like cuddling and maybe some skin to skin cotdpwt, losing some webvct, try to save up enough for my bagpipes and try to get a full time job again for the fourth year running now or do some sttnd up comedy my mates and faxyly think I'm a crack up when I get gojng I went to a comedy club and tore it up once. maqbe I need to get out more any help wozld be appreciated Any way thanks for taking the time to read my thread I'm here for the long haul catch you all on the flip-side. 1 год назад kappakeats в rgaymers
GuardianDemon696 24yo Looking for Men or TS/TV/TG Brooklyn, New York, United States
panther111979 32yo Olathe, Kansas, United States
HungryVixen2 35yo Miami, Florida, United States
redheadhippi 41yo Rowlett, Texas, United States
hotnhorny2692 20yo Wonder Lake, Illinois, United States
navy_wife_07 22yo Westerville, Ohio, United States
lokicobb 29yo Rensselaer, New York, United States
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