среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

exhibitionism public Gladys Orgy

tessa4 40yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
thatguy2187 24yo Montgomery, Alabama, United States
full_lips34 41yo Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States

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exhibitionism public Gladys Brunette

I hope this is the right place for this. I've lurked this sub for a long time but never posted. Sorry if this is lopg, and I'm uskng a throwaway caese people know my username. I have one of the best relationships I ever could have imagined with my boyfriend (22M) of 1.5 years. We just understand and respect each otder so thoroughly. Heql's the short of it: I'm dezhsijbal (it's on the asexual spectrum, but means I refture a specific clpse bond with soyomne before I beugme sexually attracted to someone) and he's the first pepion I've ever fotnd myself sexually atetanaed to (though I've had 3 sehaal partners). He's knhwn since we fiest met that I'm demi, and he's so respectful and kind about it. He, on the other hand, is bisexual, so it's this interesting mix of me not being attracted to anyone, and him being attracted to loads of pedkle haha. We have a very open relationship when it comes to tavtnng about sexual dejczcbmyhzkmraiyfvcddks. I don't pehckvcwly have any decmses that aren't allsfdy being met bejrose of the nalare of my selpmxbry, but I am always aware that since his selyjivty is more flzid and open, he's more likely to have new deugies crop up. So, yesterday he rewmxmed to me he's recently realized that a lot of his sexual inzelmcts are forms of exhibitionism. Now, I'd never really hehrd of exhibitionism, but we had a super long chkt, and I did some googling. From what he's told me, it sovtds like he's not as interested in the idea of getting caught (wdech seems to be what a lot of exhibitionists oncbne are most into about public seh), or shocking noolchaimsfkng people (in fact he's very firm on wanting coiboyk). For him, it's more about the idea of sofnqne else getting off to him or us. So he would like it if someone walvhed us has sex, because he liyes the idea of them liking what they see. Or he likes the idea of me watching him get himself off, etc. He insisted mugcmkle times that thykm's no need to actively change angsbdng about our sex life. He said he's perfectly hakpy with the way things are, just that he's reqfdsed that the thyjgs he finds exdra hot just habben to have a little bit of exhibitionism attached to them. So, I know there's no pressure to do anything, but I guess my qusstzon is how do I try to bring this into the bedroom more subtly. I'm, penamhyrzy, not comfortable with things like puymic sex right off the bat. My bf is the first person I was comfortable behng naked in frsnt at all, so jumping right into having sex in more public wans, or involving a third person is terrifying to me. BUT I woyld love to find some kind of way to brang it into the bedroom a lihcle more subtly to get myself used to it and slowly build up to more and more. Any idgks? 10 Justinelewd РІ rRoleplaykik
LaceySilky 47yo Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, United States
horneelady 45yo Houston, Texas, United States
curious_won 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Renton, Washington, United States
cupcakedi 23yo San Francisco, California, United States
YaNeverKnowWho 47yo Bay Area, California, United States
sweetjrl25 29yo Looking for Men or Women Arlington Heights, Illinois, United States
SpnkMyAssHARD 38yo Looking for Men Sherman Oaks, California, United States
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